Imagine the scene. It's the last night of Coachella, night has finally fallen on what was a pretty hot day, and for the first time in 4+ years, NIN is about to take the stage (well okay, they did play some warm up shows prior to this, but this was their first MAJOR US/festival show back) and the intensity of the crowd is just growing and growing with no signs of stopping. This was my first time getting to experience NIN and I'm glad it was what was to become my favorite festival and some hallowed ground (aka the beautiful Empire Polo Field). I was pretty close to the stage, a little off to the right (in front of the video screen or pretty close to it), and by the 5th or 6th song, a big mosh pit had opened up around me. I remember fans climbing up on the front stage railing and diving back into us (plus dealing with the usual crowd surfers). It honestly got too intense for my inexperienced exhausted body and I eventually made my way out of the crowd (which was pretty easy given I was close to the rail), ran over to the bathroom, and then watched the rest of the set from further back. If I knew what I know now about getting good crowd spots at Coachella, I likely would have have gotten something more dead center near the soundboard and stayed put for the entire set, but I was a newcomer at this point and sometimes you have to make mistakes and learn from them. I still remember them ending with "Head Like A Hole" pounding across the field, which was a fantastic and crazy way to end a pretty powerful set.
- FeedMenik
First submitted on: Feb. 15, 2024 at 08:23:18 PM PT | Last edited on: Feb. 15, 2024 at 08:27:55 PM PT